Thursday, May 5, 2011

"The only thing I fear in this world is the day I reach my potential- because what more is there in life?"

Damnit, why do I have my most insightful, wise thoughts when I'm mildly hungover? You know, at the point when the lingering taste of alcohol and vomit from the night before mixes and sticks to the back of your throat giving you the strange aftertaste and texture of chunky peanut butter? That's the best I can describe it I reckon.

But seriously, it's amazing how clear the world gets when you forget about assignments and university, fuel and savings, just to stop and reflect on where it's at, generally speaking. Everyone is moving so fast, running flat nakka in a direction no- one really understands, and when I'm hungover it's like I've finally heard someone screaming "SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!" at me and I've responded accordingly. People marvel at my will to live after a munted night out, but in all truth I probably enjoy being hungover more than being drunk. Alcohol doesn't really provide a buzz for me anymore- there's no kick of excitement. I don't even feel drunk when I'm staggering and spewing everywhere. Yet the morning after is when I feel the most prosperous. Like I can finally see through the fog I've created around my head with stress, university and other such trivial things.
I think Geelong is the source of this newly discovered perspective. Must be the sea air or something, because I've never felt this relaxed, chilled out, but at the same time intensely focused in my life. I've found my place of zen, to an extent, and hopefully the rest of this year will revolve around discovering what that entails. Hmmmm, I'm going to expand on this when I get home.

Oh, and if anyone is actually bothering to read this, No I am not high. Why would I bother, when I can trip out naturally?


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