Thursday, November 4, 2010

Swan Song

As I sit here in front of my laptop, desperately cramming in one last methods exam 1, it's just suddenly hit me that it's all going to draw to a close soon. Some of us may hate it, but it's gonna be the swan song of our schooling chapter, this last week. Yet I'm confused at to how I should be feel???

The truth is, I don't quite understand what it is I should be feeling. I've seen people put as much distance between themselves and BHS, and I've seen people crushed by the sheer volume of expectation for the next 1-5 years ahead of us. Clearly there is a pang of sadness- after all, BHS has been my home for 6 long years, but my attitude had always been looking ahead- not at the ATAR itself, but what it will bring. Maybe that's why when I sit at my desk to "Study", I end up looking through the uni guides as a form of procrastination. But really, I'm excited. I'm ecstatic about the challenges and freedom that next year and beyond will bring, and I can't wait to get out into the big, wide world and challenge myself against more that a tiny corner of a dry, cold, rural town. It's not that I want to get away from family- far from it. Nor is it escaping the friends I've made- see the previous point; they're practically family anyway.

No, for me it's just excitement. I marvel at how people break down when confronted by their futures, even when they insist on taking a gap year or commuting for the sake of security. Can't you all see what you're missing out on? Life's short man, let's leave as much of an imprint upon the world as we can.

So hopefully, on Wednesday November 10th, I'll leave my last exam not with my head in my hands, but looking up to the stars. After all, the book may close, but the story never really ends.

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