Thursday, December 2, 2010

Zee Deevel

Let's play a game. See how many close friends you can really piss off and lose completely in a week.

Rules- You can't deliberately hurt anyone, it has to be completely unintentional and by accident.
Bonus points- if your attempts to rectify your mistakes fuck things up even more than before.
Apparently I'm getting rather good at it. In fact, I may have set a new record this week.

On a sidenote- what the hell am I doing wrong all of a sudden?

This week has been both the week in heaven and the week from hell. Either someones playing a sick, cruel, hideous joke on me, or I've pissed off the gods of life so much that I doubt I'll see next year. Every time I try to fix something I just stuff things up more.

I wish I could just go back a week, and forget everything from the last few days. Revitalising didn't work, and now all this stress is making me feel burnt out and hopeless. How quickly things can change for the worse.

Everyone has a devil inside of them, but its like mine has been dormant ever since this week, and it's conveniently decided to rip me a new one right in what should be the happiest two weeks of my life. Instead of spending amazing times with friends, I doubt I've got many left at all. I don't think I've ever felt this bad- everythings backfired, and I literally mean EVERYTHING.

The smallest little catalyst, the most insignificant of planning errors, and suddenly I've lost some of the people I care about the most. Do I really deserve this?

I wish I had Agoraphobia. That way I could just say inside for good.

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