Thursday, April 7, 2011


They're an anomaly of the modern world, doors. All corridors and passageways are one way to these strange, ungainly dividers that separate us from whatever is outside, or wherever we want to go. Once upon a time we were taught to walk through these doors all by ourselves, to force our way through with sheer force of willpower. Nowadays, however, it seems that we're so used to having our doors slide open automatically for us, that we forget to go to the small effort of turning the handle to get to where they want to go. I've witnessed so many people baffled by the immense conundrum of a door that doesn't open automatically for them, no matter how hard they stomp on the ground. It's actually quite sad, that we've forgotten how to force our way through doors to get what we want.

Some people say that when Life closes a door, it (he, she they?) opens a window. Which is another issue altogether, aren't we only supposed to walk through doors? Doors are plain, boring and overly depressing, giving no impression of the destination that we are nosediving towards. Windows are just for looking through, right? Thats why, personally, I find windows so much more interesting from a design point of view than a door, because windows give us a rare insight that a door can never hope to achieve-

Windows give us a view of the world outside, beyond. Perhaps even a glimmer of our destination. Windows allow us to dream, allow us to hope- when the inside world is cold, grey and depressing, the sunlight streaming through, the window illuminates the outside environment in all of its infinite glory. Reality, it seems, is much more complex, beautiful and unfathomable than the reality that we're taught to deal with.

But windows aren't for climbing through!!! Society yells at us. Why climb through a window when you can walk through a door? However, I would much prefer to be reminded of what I am chasing by looking through the window. What hope can we possibly have when we're told to shut the blinds because too much light is streaming through?The light blinds you on your way to your destination, Western Culture says. But fuck it. I would rather open the window and smell the fresh air beyond. Fuck conforming to the doors, I can get outside much quicker by climbing through a window. That's where we all really want to end up, isn't it?


God I love it when the uni library door breaks xD

What were you thinking of?

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